YesNoKeep Me In Mind


    The information is gathered solely for the purposes of ensuring a diverse slate of individuals are under consideration. Your response is voluntary and the information that you provide will be held in confidence.

    Individuals who self-identify as Indigenous Peoples of North America or Peoples of Turtle Island, including those who identify as First Nations (status, non-status, treaty or non-treaty), Métis, Inuit, or Alaskan Native, Native American, and Native Hawaiian Peoples.

    What is your ethnocultural identity? (select all that apply)

    Do you self-identify as someone who is part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community?

    Do you self-identify as transgender?

    How do you self-identify with respect to gender identity?(select all that apply)

    Do you self-identify as a person with a disability, as defined below?

    (Individuals who have a long term or chronic physical, mental, emotional/psychiatric or learning disability, which may result in a person experiencing disadvantage or barriers concerning any or all aspects of employment.)

    If you answered yes, please specify, only if comfortable:

    Acceptable file types include doc, docx, pdf. Files should be less than 2MB.

    *Required Fields